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L2 - Coach Learning & Development (Module 1) Community Coaching Masterclass


Fri 29 Sep 2023 00:00 — Fri 26 Sep 2025 00:15
Boccia Australia - L2 - Coach Learning & Development (2023)

Course information

About the masterclasses

Each Masterclass extends upon topics covered in the Community Coaching Essential Skills course and guides coaches on how to apply this knowledge in their own environment by following the ASC’s Coach Development Model.

During each Masterclass you'll follow the journey of a coach as they experience the topic of focus. Put yourself in their situation as you complete the Masterclasses and consider:

  • What you know
  • What you do
  • What others think
  • What you think

Each Masterclass comes with a separate workbook where coaches can apply the knowledge they learn and create plans for their future coaching.

There are 2 components to this course; How you improve & How you connect - ensure that you complete them both before you move on.


Boccia Australia’s (BA’s) goal is to see an incremental growth in the number of coaches across the whole of the Boccia Pathway. From Participation at club level, Talent Development and High Perforance at Paralympic level.  To do this we need to ensure that all our pathways are strong, are resourced and have the support systems in place so that everyone can perform at their best. 

We are aiming for an athlete driven, coach supported philosophy, so we need to change the way we deliver coaching and support our coaches.  This means providing a continuous learning environment that ensures that we have coaches in our pathway with a learning mindset.